Spring 2024 Financial Literacy Challenge Results

Celebrating Success: Winners of the April Financial Literacy Challenge!

Congratulations to the following students who emerged as winners in the Budget Game. Your dedication to financial literacy has truly paid off. 

Budget Game Winners

Students were invited to participate in our Budgeting Game, competing with tens of thousands of other students from around the United States and Canada.

Each of the top students in each of our 4 prize regions wins an Amazon Gift Card (sent to their teacher to be distributed to the winning students). These are the budget game results:

budget game winners

Stock Game Winners

Students could also compete in our real-time stock game. The top performing portfolios in each region also won an Amazon Gift Card, sent to their teachers to pass on to the winning students:

stock game results

Congratulations to all the winners, and we hope to see your schools participate next year too!

-The PFinLab team