In a study conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), they found that people were more stressed about choosing the right investment for a retirement savings plan than going to the dentist.
If you’re here, it’s because you want to design an outreach campaign that will provide these key financial literacy skills that your potential customers are lacking. But without all the stress! You’ve come to the right place!
Discover your personalized financial literacy outreach program to reach your ideal customers and start building a meaningful relationship today.
Schedule a consultationWe provide an experiential learning platform that is designed to be fun and engaging.
With financial simulations and lessons that you can fully customize to cater to your ideal customers. Here is how we can help you develop a financial literacy outreach program:
We work with both academic and corporate clients to bring financial literacy to life.
Our learning materials follow National and State standards, and if you want to offer your own lessons, we can do that too!
All lessons end with self-grading assessments.
Plus, we even have pre and post tests to gauge how much someone knows about basic financial literacy topics before and after they use the platform. A great way for you to get a conversation started with your potential customers.
The platform also comes included with advanced research and charting tools so that your potential customers never need to leave the site.
On top of a virtual trading platform that can trade stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, futures and cryptos, we also have a personal budgeting game that provides the full-picture of personal finance.
We focus on building a high quality of life, and how to build an emergency savings fund, and why it’s important to build a diversified portfolio. Everything you would want your potential customers to know so that they can lead financially responsible lives.
Fill out the request form below, and launch a free trial.
You will be able to contact anyone registered to your challenges by using the announcement box, or sending messages directly to your participants inboxes on site. We also have an online forum where you can start engaging discussions.
On top of that, we can design your own dedicated landing page, with your logos, text and links where your potential customers will register to your challenges.
Our dedicated Help Desk team is available through live chat, email or phone to answer questions your participants may have about the platform. Our tutorial videos and student guides will also walk them through every step of the way. Providing an excellent customer experience that will carry over to your brand.
Schedule a consultationPossibly the most important features are the comprehensive reporting tools that you can use to get registration information, discover how participants used the site, what questions they got wrong in their lessons, or even fun facts about the most traded stocks in your challenges.
You’ll have so much data that can supercharge the relationship with your future customers before it’s even gotten started.
Launch a Free TrialSchedule a consultation with one of our account managers to start designing your financial literacy outreach program. We will walk you through the best practices for getting the most out of the platform, and what our 30+ years of experience has taught us about running successful national financial literacy programs.
Schedule a consultationYou can level up your outreach efforts by launching a premium site.
You’ll get access to the same high quality interactive games, lessons and reporting tools. Plus you’ll have a unique homepage, dedicated messaging, integrated social media channels, and onboarding and orientation support from your dedicated account manager.
If you want to learn more about the pricing for a white label site that will put your brand front and center, fill out this request form.
Request Form