Turn Your Classroom into a Personal Finance or Business Lab!

Order your PersonalFinanceLab 3-year school license and get a free ticker

At PersonalFinanceLab.com, we have helped many schools transform their traditional classrooms into exciting Personal Finance or Business Labs by combining our gamified platform with colorful tickers carrying the latest stock prices and business news.

Now with our partnership with our preferred ticker vendor, Rise Display, we are providing schools a voucher for a FREE ticker when they purchase a 3-year PersonalFinanceLab.com school-wide site license.*

Here’s what you get:

1. A School-wide Site License to PersonalFinanceLab (Year 1) $3,375
2. A School-wide Site License to PersonalFinanceLab (Year 2) $3,375
3. A School-wide Site License to PersonalFinanceLab (Year 3)           $3,375
4. A colorful 4.5”x93” Rise Display ticker * $2,199
5. 3 Years of Ticker Data License$960
Total Value$13,284



Our PersonalFinanceLab.com site offers 4 resources in 1:  a budgeting and money management game, a stock market game, an embedded curriculum, and certification. The School-wide Site License allows all the students at a specific school location to access our platform.

Rise Display’s low cost LED tickers typically ship within 48 hours when in stock. The specifications are as seen below:

  • Pixel Pitch: .23 inch (6mm)
  • Cabinet Height: 4.6 inches
  • Cabinet Widths: 48″, 63″, 78″, 85″, 93″, 122″, or 176″
  • Cabinet Depth: 1.9 inches
  • Mounting Depth: Adjustable 2.8 to 7.5 inches
  • Color Depth: RGB (Full Color) 65,000 color shades
  • Network: Hardwire RJ-45 or Wifi
  • Weight: 2 pounds per foot
  • Max Power: 11.2 watts per foot
  • 1 year manufacturer warranty (return to depot)

Please contact your PersonalFinanceLab account manager, fill out this form to get more info on this offer, or visit Rise Display for more information on their tickers.

*Orders must be received by August 1, 2023. When we receive your Purchase Order, we will give you a Rise voucher valid for the ticker and data license described above. Schools will contact Rise to place an order for tickers. Tickers require electricity, wifi internet connection, and installation (mounting brackets included). You may use this voucher as a partial payment on a larger ticker if you wish. The image is representative only.