Personal Finance Lab National Trading Challenge
About The Challenge
The Personal Finance Lab National Trading Challenge is a trading competition open to all high school students at any school that has a Pfinlab license this Spring 2021 semester. Students from around the country compete individually to build a $100,000 portfolio of US stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, and bonds, with live national rankings.
But there’s more! While students are building their portfolio, we have packed the challenge with tons of extra lessons and curriculum. Students will earn Bonus Cash by completing our Investing101 course over the duration of the challenge, and more cash by completing our Weekly Challenges, requiring students to finish additional lessons and make certain types of trades to fully-diversify their portfolio.
The top traders of the contest will both complete the bonus challenges and demonstrate strong investing skills to win!
How To Join
Any student can join the National Challenge by logging in to their account, and clicking the link below. It will add the new National Challenge portfolio to their account – they can switch between the National Challenge and their class portfolio at any time. The National Challenge portfolio is completely independent from any class portfolios.
Contest Rules
- Students can build a $100,000 portfolio of US stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, and bonds.
- Margin trading and short selling is allowed
- Day trading is allowed
- No interest will be earned on cash, 8% interest will be charged on all loan balances.
- Only stocks worth more than $3 at the time of purchase may be traded
- Each student can have only 1 contest portfolio – multiple entries will result in disqualification.
- There will be an audit at the conclusion of the contest to verify ranking accuracy. Any adjustments or disqualifications during the auditing process are final.
- See the Personal Finance Lab general Rules and the Terms and Conditions for other restrictions.
- Trading begins February 15 and ends April 30
The top 5 students by portfolio return each win a $100 Amazon gift card.
The school of the top finisher will also win PFinLab National Challenge Trophy to show off to future classes.