Indiana Business Math Standards Alignment

Business Math is one of the most important classes offered in Indiana, simply because it offers a concrete answer to the classic math class complaint – “when will I ever need to know this?”. Indiana publishes a set of standards for Business Math, which acts as a fusion between algebra, geometry, accounting, management, and personal finance.

Our library of activities is equally diverse – the below sampling is how we align to the standards in the strictest sense. Teachers often focus more in some areas than others, and we give them the flexibility to add additional activities focusing on Financial Literacy, Accountancy, Management, Marketing, Economics, and Investing to suit their desired class structure.

Activity Type Key:

Interactive Calculators
Comprehensive Tools
Includes Built-In Assessment

Standard Activity Activity Type
Concepts – Algebra Percents, Fractions and Ratios
Financial Analysis through key ratios
Concepts – Statistics Using Spreadsheets – Graphing
Accounting Financial Analysis through key ratios
Using Spreadsheets – Graphing
Financial Analysis through key ratios
GAAP – Accounting Revenue and Expenses
GAAP – Accounting Gains and Losses
Cost Accounting
Cash Planning
Payroll Payroll Best Practices
Banking and Financial Services Reconciling accounts
Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Stock Game
Business Finance Compound Interest Calculator
Short-Term Financing
Using Credit
What are Bonds
What is a Stock?
Net Present Value Calculator
Credit Card Payments Calculator
Marketing Principles Working With Segments and Target Markets
Management Principles What is an Income Statement?
Cash Flow Statement
What is a Balance Sheet?
Financial Analysis through key ratios
Types of Insurance