Indiana Economics Standards Alignment

The state of Indiana’s Board of Education publishes a set of educational standards for Economics, and mandates that each high school student must take a dedicated economics course as a graduation requirement. This list is not comprehensive – it lists the materials that specifically align to the 12th grade standards. We have additional activities available based on the 8th grade standards, and all points in between.

Many districts in Indiana will include the Financial Literacy standards in their Economics courses, so our materials are flexible. Teachers can mix and match activities in our Economics curriculum with other activities from our Financial Literacy, Business, and Mathematics tracks to build customized classes that perfectly supplement existing lesson plans.

Activity Type Key:

Interactive Calculators
Comprehensive Tools
Includes Built-In Assessment

Standard Activity Activity Type
Scarcity and Economic Reasoning What is Economic Growth?
What is Entrepreneurship?
What are Incentives?
What is Economics?
Why is there Scarcity?
Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Property Rights
Supply and Demand What is Demand?
Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
What is Supply?
What are Price Controls?
Government impact on the economy
Comparative Advantage
Market Structures Corporate Debt
Marginal Benefit and Cost
Benefits of Competition
The Role of Government Government impact on the economy
Fiscal Policy
National Economic Performance Major Economic Indicators (GDP, CPI, Jobs)
Gross Domestic Product
What is Supply?
The Business Cycle
What is Economic Growth?
What is Demand?
Money and the Role of Financial Institutions What is Money?
Monetary Policy
Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
How is Money Created?
What is the Federal Reserve?
Importance of Interest Rates
Stock Game
What is an ETF?
What are Bonds
What are Futures?
What is a Stock?
What is a Mutual Fund?
What are Spots?
What are Options?
Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
Economic Stabilization Fiscal Policy
Monetary Policy
Government impact on the economy
What is the Federal Reserve?
Trade Comparative Advantage
International trade