TEKS Accounting Standards

TEKS Accounting Standards Alignment

Texas publishes two sets of TEKS for accounting: Accounting I (§130.187) and Accounting II (§130.188) as part of their CTE recommendations. Our Accounting library of activities strives to reach benchmarks for both sets of standards, with supplemental materials available for financial, managerial, and economic concepts.

Activity Type Key:

Interactive Calculators
Comprehensive Tools
Includes Built-In Assessment

Standard Activity Activity Type
The student communicates an understanding of the accounting industry. GAAP – Financial Reporting and Terms
Understanding the role of accountants in business and society
The student uses career planning concepts, tools, and strategies to explore accounting careers. Career Center
Social Responsibility In Management
Careers in the accounting profession
The student performs accounts payable functions. GAAP – Accounting Revenue and Expenses
The student performs accounts receivable functions. GAAP – Accounting Revenue and Expenses
What is a Balance Sheet?
What is an Income Statement?
What is a Cash Flow Statement?
The student investigates merchandise inventory to determine the impact on a company’s financial position. GAAP – Asset Accounting
The student completes payroll procedures to calculate, record, and distribute payroll earnings and analyzes the impact of these expenses on a company’s financial position. Payroll Best Practices
The student performs specialized accounting functions for a corporation and completes an accounting cycle. Dividends and Changes of Ownership
What is an Income statement?
What is a Balance Sheet?
What is a Cash Flow Statement?
Issuing Stock and Dividends
The student describes laws and regulations in order to manage business operations and transactions in accounting. Understanding the role of accountants in business and society