TEKS Economics Standards

TEKS Economics Standards Alignment

Texas publishes TEKS for Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits (118.4). These standards align with a fusion of topics from our Economics, Career Readiness, Personal Finance, and Management libraries of activities.

Activity Type Key:

Interactive Calculators
Comprehensive Tools
Includes Built-In Assessment

Standard Activity Activity Type
The student understands the concepts of scarcity and opportunity costs. Why is there Scarcity?
Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Labor and Productivity
Opportunity Cost
The student understands the interaction of supply, demand, and price. What is Supply?
What is Demand?
Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
The student understands the reasons for international trade and its importance to the United States and the global economy. What is Specialization?
Comparative Advantage
International Trade
The student understands the issues of free trade and the effects of trade barriers. International Trade
The student understands free enterprise, socialist, and communist economic systems. Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
The student understands the basic characteristics and benefits of a free enterprise system. Property Rights
What is Economics?
Benefits of Competition
The student understands the right to own, use, and dispose of private property. Property Rights
Government impact on the economy
The student understands the circular-flow model of the economy. The Business Cycle
The student understands types of market structures. Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
The student understands key economic measurements. Major Economic Indicators (GDP, CPI, Jobs)
The Business Cycle
The student understands key components of economic growth. What is Economic Growth?
The student understands the role of money in an economy. What is Money?
Debit Cards
Credit Cards
The student understands the role of the Federal Reserve System in establishing monetary policy. What is the Federal Reserve?
Monetary Policy
The student understands the role that the government plays in the U.S. free enterprise system. Property Rights
Government impact on the economy
The student understands the economic impact of fiscal policy decisions at the local, state, and national levels. Fiscal Policy
The student understands types of business ownership. Types of Companies
What is Entrepreneurship?
Issuing stock and dividends
The student understands the role of financial markets/institutions in saving, borrowing, and capital formation. Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
The student understands the role of individuals in financial markets. Investing Strategies
Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Spending and Savings Plans
Preparing For Retirement
Reconciling accounts
Saving to be a Millionaire Calculator
Credit Cards
Short-Term Financing
Using Credit
Credit Reports
The student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze the costs and benefits of personal financial decisions. Credit Cards
Types of Insurance
The student understands how to provide for basic needs while living within a budget. Buy vs Lease Calculator
Home Budget Calculator