New “Personal Budgeting Game” for AET Teachers and Students

At the AET we have heard many of our teachers asking about using a “personal budgeting game” for their students to play.
We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Stock-Trak, the leader in online educational financial games, and their website.

In the Budget Game on, your students take on the role of a college student with a part-time job and living on their own. Your students will need to manage the variable income from their job with monthly expenses (like rent, utilities, car loans, groceries, and the unexpected), while trying to build up their net worth, credit score, and social life.
The Budget Game takes about 20 minutes for your students to go through one virtual month, and we recommend that you let your students play for 12 virtual months so they get a full year’s worth of income, expenses and the random events that life throws at them.
CLICK ON THE VIDEO BELOW to have a look and see how students can have fun while learning!
In addition to the Budget Game, the site also features integrated lessons aligned to national personal finance standards. Each lesson includes “pop quizzes” at the end with automatic grading. The site is totally customizable, so you choose the dates of the Budget Game, and you choose which lessons, if any, you want to include.
AET Teachers SAVE 20%!
This is a great budget game, but it is not free. The normal price to get the budget game is $10 per student but AET users get 20% discount which makes it only $8 per student!
Use coupon code AET2020 at checkout to get your discount! This coupon is valid until June 30, 2024, and is good for orders of 10 students or more.
- TO SCHEDULE A DEMO: If you would like to schedule a demo of the Budget Game and see how you can integrate it into your classroom, then please click here.
- TO ORDER THE BUDGET GAME FOR YOUR CLASS: If you would like to learn more and/or order the Budget Game for your class, then click here to order accounts for your class!
- QUESTIONS? If you have any questions, please call 1-514-871-2222 ext 365 between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm CT.