This chapter will expose you to the most common charts available. Their names and meanings are important to your continuing education and the number of tools you carry in your toolbox in order to evaluate stocks. Understand that it will take some time before you are comfortable reading and interpreting many of these charts. Don’t Read More…

The S&P 500 is currently the most followed stock index in the world. It works like a model portfolio holding stocks in 500 of the biggest, and most traded, companies in the United States, diversified across all 10 major sectors of the US economy. Click on this post for a list for examples of companies traded in this index!

An order is an investor’s instructions to a broker or brokerage firm to purchase or sell a security. Orders are typically placed over the phone or online. Orders fall into different available types which allow investors to place restrictions on their orders affecting the price and time at which the order can be executed. Read this article for to learn more!

For novice investors, the P/E Ratio provides a useful numeric representation of the value between the stock price and earnings. However, the price to earnings ratio is a useful tool but certainly not the holy grail of investing as it is sometimes made out to be. Read this article to learn the formula, see an example, and a description for how to use the P/E Ratio.