See our introduction webinar to walk through every aspect of creating your class, adding assignments, viewing reports, and much more.
See our introduction webinar to walk through every aspect of creating your class, adding assignments, viewing reports, and much more.
To create your contest, log in as an administrator, and find your Administrator menu at the top left of the page and click on “Create Challenge”. Click on this post for a video demonstration!
Assignments are a great way to manage your class’s activities around the simulation and this learn center, giving you the ability to track your student’s progress in trading, reading articles, and using our calculators. This will be a quick overview of what Assignments are, and how you can best make use of them in your classroom.
This post contains a guide that will illustrate the different reporting tools instructors have at their disposal. The Reports page can be accessed under the Administration menu at the top of the page.
Click here to learn how to communicate with students!
See the full listing of available corporate and treasury bonds available on our platform!
On your Instructor Administration page, you can view all of your student information. This tutorial walks through what each of these pages have, in detail.
Spots are very easy to trade (if your contest allows it). Simply choose the action like you would with a stock, select the quantity and the spot you wish to trade from the dropdown from the Spots trading page. Click on this post for more details.
Click on this article to get answers to common questions about trading bonds.
If allowed in your contest, you can trade options using the specific options trading page described in the article. Click on this post for three options trading tips.
Trading Future Options acts like trading a normal option, but replacing the underlying stock with an underlying future. Read this post for a few future options trading tips!
Future Options are exactly what their name implies – an option on a futures contract.
Read this article for three crucial futures trading tips!
Includes industries, currencies, metals, interest rates/bonds, grains/oil seeds, food/fibers, and livestocks!
Calendar includes grains, metals, currencies, energies, financials, meats, softs and indices.
Option strategies allow you select any number of pros and cons depending on your strategy, that cannot be done with simply owning or shorting the stock. Read this article for more details on option strategies!
A straddle is an investment strategy that involves the purchase or sale of an option allowing the investor to profit regardless of the direction of movement of the underlying asset, usually a stock. There are two straddle strategies, a long straddle and a short straddle. Click on this post to learn more about the differences between these two straddle strategies.
When trading mutual funds on this system, there are a few differences to keep in mind compared to trading stocks. Click on this post for three mutual fund trading tips!
Options Spreads are option trading strategies which make use of combinations of buying and selling call and put options of the same or varying strike prices and expiration dates to achieve specific objectives (hedging, arbitrage, etc.).
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Knowing your net worth is the first step towards growing it! Click on this post for a tool that will help you organize your assets in one place, and even help project how they will grow in the future.
Congratulations! You made it through the basic investing course unscathed, armed, and ready to begin a long, successful investment career. You have enough information to begin with some confidence. Remember, you can test your personal investment strategy using the real world simulation. You’ll get all the excitement and results you’d achieve in the market – Read More…
Developing a workable investing strategy – and sticking to it through its high and low points – is the major component of your overall action plan. You need to create an investing strategy that is “comfortable” for you. If it doesn’t fit you, you won’t stick to it. Here are some proven ways to select Read More…
Like all good athletes, musicians, actors, and astronauts, the word “practice” is central to performance success. The newer investor should adopt this action plan. Just as few people are born knowing how to hit a baseball or play the piano, successful investors are made, not born. Your investment education should not stop with this course. Read More…
Even if you start out as a “buy and hold” investor, staying informed at all times is a critical component to your investment career. Should you be tempted to walk the ever-exciting and dangerous tightrope of day trading, your stream of current information is even more important. Here are some suggestions that will keep you Read More…
Over-diversification. Sure, every expert with a pencil, computer, or microphone keeps telling you to diversify your portfolio. They are right, but they often neglect to tell you the rest. For example, assume you only have $200 to invest. You buy 40 different stocks at $5 each. Guess what? Now you’re too “thin” and you have Read More…
Here are ten important things to remember as you take the next step in your investing journey. These are real world keys that you should embed into your conscious brain to help you become a consistently smart or profitable investor. Understand and control the fees and costs of your investing activities. Ask your broker how Read More…
Summary Options are exciting investment “vehicles,” but to be used profitably, you need to understand what they mean and what they can or cannot do for you. You have now scratched the surface of the option world. You’ve now reached a level that gives you some ammunition and skills to play the basic options game. Read More…
Options are complicated but can be beneficial if you understand them and you know how to read options tables. Read this article to learn the basics!
Put and call interest does not involve the banking definition of interest, but the market excitement – or lack thereof – regarding puts or calls for a security. Before you start thinking we’ve all lost our analytical minds, try to understand that market prices for stocks and put/ call options The right, but not the Read More…
Any discussion of options and option prices would be incomplete without a mention of the Black-Scholes The most generally accepted option pricing model. option pricing model. Academics Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, in a paper they authored in 1973, stated their theory that an option was implicit to the pricing of any traded security. Referencing Read More…
Often used in relation to options, implied volatility is a calculation that compares the current market price of a stock with the theoretical value of the market price in the future, all to predict the true value of an option. This may sound like a risky probability equation – and it is – yet it’s Read More…
Volatility is a concept that involves all stocks and other securities. For good reasons, high volatility is most often viewed as a negative in the investment world since rapid movements in market prices inherently involve both wins and losses. In investment language, volatility implies two scary conditions for you: uncertainty and risk. For example, if Read More…
We noted earlier that 35% of option buyers lose money and that 65% of option sellers make money. Option trading comes down to the turtle and the hare story. Option buyers are the rabbits that are generally looking for a quick move in stock prices, and the option sellers/writers are the turtles that are looking Read More…
Now that you have a high level understanding of what options are, let’s look at option trading in a little more detail. When you get a quote on a stock you can also call up its option chain: First of all, you must realize that not all stocks have options. Only the most popular stocks Read More…
Whereas a call option gives the holder the right to buy the stock at a certain price, a put option gives the holder the right to sell the stock at a certain price. A trader that buys a put option The right, but not the obligation, to sell a stock at a certain price before Read More…
A call optionThe right, but not the obligation, to buy a stock at a certain price before the expiration date. is the option (remember, not an obligation) to buy 100 shares of a stock for an agreed price (the strike price The price at which the option contract can be executed.) by an agreed date Read More…
Generally speaking, options are used in many areas of business and investment. Employees of larger companies frequently get stock options as an incentive to stay with the company for a long time and help the company increase in value. A lot of real estate transactions involve the option to purchase additional neighboring acreage at a certain Read More…
Summary This lesson focused on hot topics in the investment world. Obviously, by the nature of discussing “hot” topics, conditions can change quickly, sometimes making hot topics cold and others newly hot. However, the issues in this lesson have been “hot” for some time and should continue to be important for the foreseeable future. Further, Read More…
The subject of arbitrage Taking advantage of price differences in at least two different markets by buying the same security at the cheaper price and immediately selling it at the higher price. is a bit confusing for the new investor, but you will undoubtedly hear the term as you start reading more and more about Read More…
Investor sentiment, sometimes also called market sentiment, typically relates to the stock market’s “attitude” towards specific securities, industries, or overall market conditions (bullish, bearish, or neutral. While of limited importance to a buy-and-hold investor, investor sentiment can be an effective tool if you decide to live in the fast lane by adopting a day or Read More…