Get the complete Personal Finance Lab customizable Stock Game, Budget Game, and Curriculum platform for your class! This combines our cutting-edge stock game, personal budgeting game, and curriculum library with over 300 lessons aligned to state and national standards for Personal Finance, Economics, and Business classes into one amazing learning resource for high schools.
- The Budgeting Game puts your students in the role of college students with a part-time job, managing income, expenses, their credit card, and maintaining a work/life/study balance
- The Stock Game is a real-time investing simulation with streaming prices, live rankings, integrated research, and dozens of customizable reports
- The Curriculum Library has over 300 lessons built to both state and national standards for Personal Finance, Economics, Business, Accounting, Management, Investments, and Math
- …Plus our Career Center, with over 500,000 real job and internship postings, resume help, job search tips, and information on common certifications
This license covers up to 250 students per year
Change the number below as needed to order the correct number of Curriculum+Budget+Stock Games for your students.

This package includes the Personal Finance Lab Budgeting Game, Stock Game, and complete Curriculum Library!
In The Budgeting Game
Our budgeting game puts your students in the role of a college student with a part-time job. Students review their expected monthly cash inflow, and then review their expected expenses of rent, car loan, groceries, utilities, etc.
Students then roll the online dice and advance through the days of the month and face life’s random events. Flat tires on the way to work, unexpectedly high utility bills, expensive grocery bills, and medical bills all present challenges for students to survive on their limited cash flow. They will have to use their credit card at times to “make ends meet.” Then they have to remember to pay their bills on time or they see their credit score drop, their late fees pile up, and their interest rates increase.
Decisions they make in the game have long-lasting consequences too! The decision trees follow probabilities – so students are encouraged to identify their own personal level of risk they are comfortable with. For example, students need to decide whether to work, study, socialize, or take care of chores each weekend. Working extra hours helps their bottom line, but neglecting their studies can result in expensive emergency tutoring sessions!
Teachers also control the “fixed expenses” each month, the wage students earn at their job, the income tax rate, and the types of Life Events that appear. There is a large common stock, but teachers can add in more events relating to “contracts”, “insurance”, “investing”, and several other categories to ensure the events in the budget game correspond to what students are learning in class.
In The Stock Game
With the Personal Finance Stock Market Game is the world’s most complete high school stock market game, with live streaming prices and rankings, dozens of customizable teacher reports, built-in research tools, and much more! With the stock game, you get:
- Your class, your rules: Choose your own class dates and trading settings (over 50 customization options per class!)
- Live streaming rankings of your entire class for extra engagement
- Built-in research, both in the Research Center and directly in the trading page
- Interactive charts, company news feeds, streaming prices
- Dozens of customizable teacher reports
- Ability to have students work independently or in Teams, adding team portfolios and rankings in addition to the individual portfolios and rankings
The Curriculum
Our customizable curriculum library has over 300 lessons aligned to both state and national standards for Personal Finance, Economics, Accounting, Management, Marketing, Investing, and Math classes. Each week, pick and choose which topics you want to include, based on your class’s specific course outline.
Lessons include articles (between 1000 and 2000 words each, written between a 6th and 9th grade reading level), videos, infographics, and mini-games. Each lesson ends with a “pop quiz”, acting as an assessment. Teachers can choose whether students can re-take quizzes for a higher score, or if the first attempt gets saved to a “grade book”. At the end of each week’s Assignment, teachers can also include a final Unit Assessment, borrowing quiz questions from the material that preceded it. We also included our Investing 101 Beginner’s Investing Course, a 10-chapter e-learning course guiding students from the very basics through advanced research and trading techniques centered on personal investing.
This all comes packed with teacher reports, student feedback, and engaging ties back to the stock game and budget game! We also have a library of lesson plans showing how to use the lessons in class (along with more direct instruction and group-based activities), plus a library of Google Slides presentations accompanying our most popular Lessons, so they can be used both for direct instruction and self-directed learning.
- See how we align to Standards
- See our curriculum overview
- See our lesson plans
- See some of our tutorial videos
The Career Center
As a bonus, all classes on Personal Finance Lab have access to our Career Center! This resource has resume help and job/internship search tips, plus information on the most important certifications in the finance industry necessary to launch a career. It also includes our Job and Internship Search Tool, which pulls in over 500,000 real job and internship postings from Indeed and ZipRecruiter.
This can be used both for students to find and apply for internships, or as a class tool for students to “work backwards” from their dream job to build a plan on how they will build all the necessary skills and experience.
PersonalFinanceLab School Site License includes:

Budget Game
Students learn how to balance their income and expenses and meet their monthly savings goals while using a checking, savings, and credit card accounts.

Stock Game
Students experience investing in the stock market with real-time prices and live rankings. All research and quoting tools are available on site.

Fully Customizable & Student Tracking
Choose the specific rules and settings for your class. These can also be updated as the simulation progresses through the semester. Detailed reporting tools allow you to track student grades and progress.

Supplemental Learning Materials
Reinforce key concepts in class with 300+ standards aligned lessons, videos, and group activities.

Personalized Customer Support
Your dedicated account manager will contact you within 1 business day after you place your order. They will assist you with onboarding and student rostering. HelpDesk Technical Support is available for your students.

Market Insight Widgets
Project live data from your students’ activities on the platform, turning your classroom into the coolest place at your school!