Idaho Content Standards Financial Literacy

Content Standards for Financial Literacy

We compared our learning materials and the core financial literacy concepts that are covered in our Budget and Stock Games to the financial literacy standards for the state of Idaho.

A list of the Idaho Content Standards Financial Literacy are below, along with a selection of activities from our games and library that align with each standard. Our Learning Library contains over 300 total lessons that can be customized for every class, so this may not include every lesson that may apply for each standard.

Course Outlines, Lesson Plans & Student Activities

Students will learn through playing the interactive online games, as well as completing the self-graded lessons that were designed to keep young learners engaged.

When you order PersonalFinanceLab® for your class, you’ll also get access to course outlines, lesson plans, student activities and grading rubrics that tie everything together.

Check out our course outlines, we’ll walk you through every step of the way!

Get to Know PersonalFinanceLab®

We’re here to help engage your students to learn how to manage their money responsibly. Learn more about each of the main features and see how we can help transform your class.

Personal Budgeting Game

A monthly budget game with real-life scenarios and consequences.

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Stock Market Game

Build your students confidence in the financial markets as they learn how to invest their money wisely.

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Embedded Learning

Self-graded lessons aligned to National and Jump$tart Standards.

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Idaho Financial Literacy Standards Alignment

Find out which of our lessons or games reinforce the individual
knowledge statements from the Idaho Content Standards for Financial Literacy.


Long-Term Game
Comprehensive Chapter
Short Lesson
Interactive Calculator
Includes Automatically-Graded Assessment

Standard Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Explain basic economic concepts.
Describe the emergence of the modern corporation. Lesson – Forms of Business Ownership
Lesson – Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Lesson – Types of Companies
Lesson – What is Cottage Industry
Describe the development of a consumer economy. Lesson – Benefits of Competition
Lesson – Labor and Productivity
Lesson – Consumer rights and responsibilities
Analyze the role of the modern United States in the global economy. Lesson – Why is it called Wall Street?
Lesson – What is the New York Stock Exchange?
Lesson – What is Specialization?
Lesson – International Trade
Apply the concepts of supply and demand, scarcity, and opportunity costs, and explain their implications in decision making. Stock Game – Core Component
Lesson – Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
Lesson – Opportunity Cost
Lesson – Why is there scarcity?
Lesson – Investing Strategies
Lesson – Building a Diversified Portfolio
Activity – Use the Net Present Value Calculator
Identify ways in which the interaction of all buyers and sellers influences prices. Lesson – Benefits of Competition
Lesson – Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
Lesson – Understanding Price Movements
Identify how incentives determine what is produced and distributed in a competitive market system. Lesson – What are Incentives?
Lesson – Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Describe the factors of production. Lesson – Labor and Productivity
Lesson – What is Specialization?
Lesson – Property Rights
Lesson – Comparative Advantage
Create and interpret graphs that model economic concepts. Stock Game – Core Component
Lesson – Getting (and understanding) stock quotes
Lesson – What is Economics?
Lesson – Gross Domestic Product
Explain the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy and the role of the Federal Reserve. Lesson – What is the Federal Reserve?
Lesson – Monetary Policy
Lesson – Fiscal Policy Explained
Lesson – Government impact on the economy
Analyze the various parts of the business cycle and its effect on the economy. Lesson – The Business Cycle
Lesson – Inflation
Lesson – The Importance of Interest Rates
Identify different influences on economic systems. Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Analyze the role of government policy in the economic development of the modern United States. Lesson – Government impact on the economy
Analyze the economic impact of government policy. Lesson – Government impact on the economy
Lesson – Monetary Policy
Lesson – Fiscal Policy Explained
Compare and contrast different economic systems and relate each to different forms of government. Lesson – Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Explain and illustrate the impact of economic policies and decisions made by governments, businesses, and individuals. Budget Game – Core Component
Stock Game – Core Component
Lesson – Stock Market Crash of 1929
Lesson – What is Entrepreneurship?
Lesson – Government impact on the economy
Lesson – What is Cottage Industry
Lesson – Social Responsibility In Management
Explain the purpose of labor unions. Lesson – Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities
Lesson – Unemployment and other programs
Analyze the different types of economic institutions. Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Evaluate the role of financial institutions in the economic development of the United States. Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Lesson – When to hire a tax professional
Lesson – Debt Management Services
Explain the characteristics of various types of business and market structures. Lesson – Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Lesson – Types of Companies
Lesson – What is Entrepreneurship?
Describe the elements of entrepreneurship and successful businesses. Lesson – What is Entrepreneurship?
Lesson – Competitive Advantage
Lesson – Importance of Planning and Vision
Lesson – Segmentation and Target Markets
Lesson – Pricing Strategies
Lesson – Developing A Marketing Plan
Identify the role of the financial markets and institutions. Stock Game – Core Component
Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Lesson – What is the New York Stock Exchange?
Lesson – What is a Brokerage?
Lesson – Certifications in the Finance Industry
Explain the concepts of personal finance. Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Analyze how economic conditions affect financial decisions. Stock Game – Core Component
Lesson – The Business Cycle
Lesson – Importance of Interest Rates
Lesson – Risk
Lesson – Inflation
Activity – Use the Investment Return Calculator
Examine and apply the elements of responsible personal fiscal management, such as budgets, interest, investment, savings, credit, and debt. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Pay Yourself First
Lesson – Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Lesson – Spending and Savings Plans
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Activity – Use the Home Budgeting Calculator
Identify and evaluate sources and examples of consumers’ responsibilities and rights. Lesson – Consumer rights and responsibilities
Discuss the impact of taxation as applied to personal finances. Lesson – Taxation Overview
Lesson – Tax Filing and the Form 1040
Analyze the political, social, and economic responses to industrialization and technological innovations in the development of the United States. Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Analyze the impact of events, such as wars, industrialization, and technological developments on the business cycle. Lesson – Risk
Lesson – Understanding Price Movements
Lesson – Stock Market Crash of 1929
Lesson – The Business Cycle
Lesson – Labor and productivity
Analyze the human and physical characteristics of different places and regions. Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Explain how the factors of production are distributed among geographic regions and how this influences economic growth. Lesson – International Trade
Lesson – What is Specialization
Lesson – Comparitive Advantage
Lesson – Analyzing Consumer Behavior
Lesson – Segmentation and Target Markets
Build an understanding of the organization and formation of the American system of government. Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Explain the basic functions of government in a mixed economic system. Lesson – Government impact on the economy
Lesson – Comparative Economic Systems – Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Identify laws and policies adopted in the United States to regulate competition. Lesson – Externalities
Lesson – What are Price Controls?
Examine the federal budget, debt, and deficit, and their implications on the economy. Lesson – What is the Federal Reserve?
Lesson – What is Economic Growth?
Lesson – Major Economic Indicators (GDP, CPI, Jobs)
Build an understanding of multiple perspectives and global interdependence. Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Describe the involvement of the United States in international economic organizations and treaties, such as GATT, IMF, and the WTO. Lesson – International Trade
Analyze global economic interdependence and competition. Lesson – International Trade
Lesson – Labor and Productivity
Lesson – Property Rights
Lesson – Comparative Advantage
Apply economic concepts to explain the role of imports/exports both nationally and internationally. Lesson – International Trade
Lesson – Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
Lesson – What is Economics?

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