Kentucky Academic Standards Career Studies

Academic Standards Career Studies

We compared our learning materials and the core financial literacy concepts that are covered in our Budget and Stock Games to the academic standards for career studies in the state of Kentucky.

A list of the Academic Standards for Career Studies for Kentucky are below, along with a selection of activities from our games and library that align with each standard. Our Learning Library contains over 300 total lessons that can be customized for every class, so this may not include every lesson that may apply for each standard.

Course Outlines, Lesson Plans & Student Activities

Students will learn through playing the interactive online games, as well as completing the self-graded lessons that were designed to keep young learners engaged.

When you order PersonalFinanceLab® for your class, you’ll also get access to course outlines, lesson plans, student activities and grading rubrics that tie everything together.

Check out our course outlines, we’ll walk you through every step of the way!

Get to Know PersonalFinanceLab®

We’re here to help engage your students to learn how to manage their money responsibly. Learn more about each of the main features and see how we can help transform your class.

Personal Budgeting Game

A monthly budget game with real-life scenarios and consequences.

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Stock Market Game

Build your students confidence in the financial markets as they learn how to invest their money wisely.

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Embedded Lessons

Self-graded lessons aligned to National and Jump$tart Standards.

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Discover how the fully customizable platform can be tailored to fit the needs of your class by talking to a member of our team. Our curriculum specialists can guide you on how to integrate our lessons and games into your existing curriculum.

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Kentucky Academic Standards for Career Studies

Find out which of our lessons or games reinforce the individual
knowledge statements from the Academic Career Studies Standards for Kentucky


Long-Term Game
Comprehensive Chapter
Short Lesson
Interactive Calculator
Includes Automatically-Graded Assessment

Standard Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Develop and manage financial goals for the future based on one’s career choice and lifestyle expectations to meet the needs of individuals and families. Lesson – Career Development
Lesson – Family Planning
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Explain how income can be earned (e.g., wages, commission) or unearned (e.g., interest, capital gains). Lesson – Income and Compensation
Lesson – What is Money?
Lesson – Building Wealth
Explain net income (i.e., wages and salaries minus payroll deductions equal net income or take home pay). Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Income and Compensation
Lesson – Tax Filing and the Form 1040
CREDIT & DEBT Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Compare a variety of credit sources from which consumers can choose to borrow. Lesson – Using Credit
Lesson – Short-Term Financing
Lesson – Good Debt, Bad Debt
Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Compare the costs and benefits of buying on credit that are key to making a good borrowing decision. Lesson – Managing Debt
Activity – Use the Credit Card Payments Calculator
Activity – Use the Buy vs Lease Calculator
DECISION MAKING & MONEY MANAGEMENT Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Evaluate financial management resources and how they are needed to meet the goals of individuals and families by:
a. prioritizing financial goals.
b. creating a budget including income, expenses (fixed/flexible), and savings.
c. developing and explaining a savings plan and budget based on specific short and long term financial goals
Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Pay Yourself First
Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Spending and Saving Strategies
Lesson – Family Planning
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Apply decision making strategies when buying products. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Planning Long Term Purchases
Lesson – Researching Spending
Compare and evaluate products and services based on major factors (e.g., brand name, price, quality feature, availability) when making consumer decisions. Lesson – Researching Spending
Investigate how culture, media and technology impact the family and consumer decision making by:
a. explaining ways consumer buying practices are influenced by social factors, economic principles, peer pressure, desire for status and advertising techniques.
b. exploring the impact of positive and negative effects of advertising techniques (e.g., bandwagon, facts and figures, emotional appeal, endorsement/testimonials, free samples, coupons, use of gimmicks, misleading/false information, social media).
Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Analyzing Consumer Behavior
Lesson – The Business Cycle
Lesson – Consumer rights and responsibilities
Lesson – Ethics In Marketing
SAVING & INVESTING Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
List examples of investments for current income and investments for future growth. Investing101 Certification
Lesson – Building a Divsersified Portfolio
Lesson – Investing Strategies
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Lesson – Building Wealth
MONEY & THE ECONOMY Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Compare the relationship between supply and demand and their role in meeting consumer needs. Lesson – Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
Lesson – The Benefits of Competition
INSURANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Research federal government depository insurance coverage and limits related to consumer bank and credit union accounts. Investing101 Certification
Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Lesson – Property Rights
Investigate the use of insurance to cover risk of financial loss (e.g. liability, health, auto, renter, home). Lesson – Car insurance
Lesson – Health Insurance
Lesson – Rental Insurance
Lesson – Home Owner’s Insurance
Lesson – Life Insurance

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