Mississippi Personal Finance Course Outline

Personal Finance Course Outline

We compared our learning materials and the core financial literacy concepts that are covered in our Budget and Stock Games to the personal finance standards for the state of Mississippi.

A list of the Mississippi Personal Finance Standards are below, along with a selection of activities from our games and library that align with each standard. Our Learning Library contains over 300 total lessons that can be customized for every class, so this may not include every lesson that may apply for each standard.

Course Outlines, Lesson Plans & Student Activities

Students will learn through playing the interactive online games, as well as completing the self-graded lessons that were designed to keep young learners engaged.

When you order PersonalFinanceLab® for your class, you’ll also get access to course outlines, lesson plans, student activities and grading rubrics that tie everything together.

Check out our course outlines, we’ll walk you through every step of the way!

Get to Know PersonalFinanceLab®

We’re here to help engage your students to learn how to manage their money responsibly. Learn more about each of the main features and see how we can help transform your class.

Personal Budgeting Game

A monthly budget game with real-life scenarios and consequences.

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Stock Market Game

Build your students confidence in the financial markets as they learn how to invest their money wisely.

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Embedded Lessons

Self-graded lessons aligned to National and Jump$tart Standards.

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Mississippi Personal Finance Course Outline Alignment

Find out which of our lessons or games reinforce the individual
knowledge statements from the Mississippi Personal Finance Course Outline.


Long-Term Game
Comprehensive Chapter
Short Lesson
Interactive Calculator
Includes Automatically-Graded Assessment

Standard Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Personal Decision-Making
Define the following terms:
• Wants
• Needs
• Values
• Goals
• Scarcity
• Opportunity costs
• Trade-off
Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Pay Yourself First
Lesson – Opportunity Cost
Lesson – Why is there scarcity?
Differentiate between wants and needs. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Pay Yourself First
Identify the various factors that influence wants and needs. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Pay Yourself First
Lesson – Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Lesson – Spending and Savings Plans
Apply opportunity costs and trade-offs to personal decision-making Budget Game – Core Component
Recognize and analyze the consequences of a decision. Budget Game – Core Component
Earning and Reporting Income Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Identify types of earned income (i.e., compensation): wages (e.g., minimum, overtime, holiday, etc.), salary, tips, commission, and so forth. Lesson – Income and Compensation
Identify types of unearned income:
• Government sources (i.e., transfer payments)
• Private sources (e.g., interest, dividends, gifts, etc.)
Lesson – Income and Compensation
Lesson – Common Tax Additions
Discuss variable income, such as that of an entrepreneur. Lesson – Income and Compensation
Lesson – Starting a Business
Lesson – What is Entrepreneurship?
Discuss how education, experiences, technology skills, and so forth affect future careers and income. Lesson – Career Development
Lesson – Work VS Study
Lesson – Starting a Business
Identify the training and education necessary to obtain a desired job. Lesson – Career Development
Lesson – Work VS Study
Lesson – Student Loans
Identify and discuss the common challenges of citizens in low-income areas related to financial decision making and job placement (i.e., payday loans, staffing agencies, background checks, required drug tests, etc.). Lesson – Good Debt, Bad Debt
Lesson – Using Credit
Lesson – Short-Term Financing
Calculate gross income, including hourly wage, overtime, holiday pay, commission, and so forth. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Payroll Best Practices
Lesson – Income and Compensation
Explain the various types of taxes and their impact on income and purchasing power. Lesson – Taxation Overview
Lesson – Sales Tax
Lesson – Tax Filing and the Form 1040
Discuss and give examples of deductions (e.g., taxes, insurance, etc.). Lesson – Common Tax Deductions
Calculate net income. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Payroll Best Practices
Describe information and required forms relevant to the completion of state and federal income tax forms. Lesson – Taxation Overview
Lesson – Tax Filing and the Form 1040
Lesson – Common Tax Deductions
Lesson – Common Tax Additions
Banking and Financial Institutions Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Identify and discuss various types of financial institutions (e.g., banks, credit unions, online banking, etc.). Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
List and describe the products and services provided by financial institutions (e.g., savings, checking, credit cards, loans, safe deposit boxes, etc.). Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Lesson – Debit Cards
Lesson – Credit Cards
Identify steps involved in opening a checking account Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Lesson – Debit Cards
Compare and contrast different types of checking accounts offered by various institutions. Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Describe and demonstrate the steps involved in the bank reconciliation process. Lesson – Reconciling accounts
Identify and describe the various options for monetary transactions. Lesson – What is Money?
Lesson – Using Credit
Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – Debit Cards
Lesson – Short-Term Financing
Budgeting Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Identify short- and long-term financial goals to construct a personal spending and/or savings plan. Lesson – Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Lesson – Building Wealth
Lesson – Pay Yourself First
Define and categorize fixed and variable expenses. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Research budgeting applications and discuss the pros and cons of each. Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Researching Spending
Lesson – Managing Bills
Identify various rules for budgeting to determine what percent of income is allocated to each type of expense. Lesson – Managing Bills
Lesson – Building Wealth
Lesson – Pay Yourself First
Evaluate an example monthly statement/budget and identify income, fixed expenses, variable expenses, and so forth. Budget Game – Core Component
Create a monthly budget using a given scenario. Budget Game – Core Component
Discuss how income and spending patterns change throughout the life cycle. Lesson – Spending and Saving Plans
Lesson – Family Planning
Lesson – Preparing For Retirement
Lesson – Building Wealth
Buying Goods and Services Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Distinguish between goods and services. Lesson – Classifying Products and Services
Apply comparison shopping practices.
Identify differences of name-brand and generic items.
Demonstrate couponing and the use of various applications used to help save money and compare prices.
Lesson – Researching Spending
Lesson – Spending and Savings Plans
Lesson – Planning Long-Term Purchases
Research and identify various ways to purchase goods and services (e.g., online, storefronts, retail, wholesale, etc.). Lesson – What is Money?
Lesson – Using Credit
Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – Debit Cards
Lesson – Short-Term Financing
Examine the impact of advertising and marketing on consumer demand and decision making in the global marketplace.
Discuss impulse buying and buyer’s remorse.
Discuss influence of product placement, packaging, and other characteristics that influence purchasing.
Lesson – Spending and Saving Plans
Lesson – Classifying Products and Services
Lesson – Analyzing Consumer Behavior
Lesson – Ethics In Marketing
Describe the role that supply and demand and market structure play in determining the availability and price of goods and services.
Define supply and demand and market structure.
Discuss how these factors influence price and purchasing behavior.
Lesson – Supply and Demand Examples in the Stock Market
Lesson – Benefits of Competition
Lesson – What is Economics?
Describe how to identify and report fraudulent behavior and practices when purchasing goods and services. Lesson – Protecting Against Fraud
Saving and Investing Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Differentiate between saving and investing. Budget Game – Core Component
Stock Game – Core Component
Lesson – Investing Strategies
Lesson – Building Wealth
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various savings and investing plans. Lesson – Investing Strategies
Lesson – Spending and Savings Plans
Apply criteria for choosing a savings or investment instrument (e.g., market risk, inflation risk, interest rate risk, liquidity, and minimum amount needed for investment). Lesson – Investing Strategies
Lesson – How to Choose and Compare Stocks
Lesson – Understanding Price Movements
Lesson – Getting (and understanding) stock quotes
Lesson – Risk
Compare and contrast simple and compound interest and the impact each have on savings. Activity – Use the Compound Interest Calculator
Lesson – Importance of Interest Rates
Analyze the power of compounding and the importance of starting early in implementing a plan for savings and investing. Activity – Use the Saving to be a Millionaire Calculator
Activity – Use the Compound Interest Calculator
Apply the concept of Time Value of Money. Activity – Use the Net Present Value Calculator
Lesson – Time Value of Money
Explain how and why the stock market functions. Stock Game – Core Component
Investing101 Certification
Lesson – What is the New York Stock Exchange?
Lesson – Understanding Price Movements
Examine the fundamental workings of the Social Security System and the system’s effects on retirement. Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Lesson – Unemployment and other programs
Lesson – Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities
Using Credit Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using credit. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Using Credit
Lesson – Good Debt, Bad Debt
Explain the need for a sound credit rating and the importance of annually monitoring one’s own credit rating. Lesson -Using Credit
Lesson – Credit Report
Lesson – Managing Debt
Read and interpret a credit report. Lesson -Using Credit
Define interest as a cost of credit and explain why it is charged. Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – Importance of Interest Rates
Explain how the amount of principal, the period of the loan, and the interest rate affect the amount of interest charged. Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – Importance of Interest Rates
Calculate a payment schedule for a loan. Activity – Use the Credit Card Payments Calculator
Activity – Use the Car Loans Calculator
Evaluate various loan scenarios to discern the best option available (e.g., annual percentage rate [APR], cash back, etc.). Lesson – Short-Term Financing
Lesson – Good Debt, Bad Debt
Research and discuss ways to identify and prevent identity theft related to credit cards and loans.
Identify the most common and current methods of identity theft to be aware of.
Analyze various real-life scenarios of identity theft and discuss how they could have been avoided.
Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – Debit Cards
Lesson – What is Money?
Types of Insurance Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Identify risks in life and how to protect against the consequences of those risks. Lesson – Risk
Lesson – Life Insurance
Lesson – What is Wealth?
Explain the role of insurance in financial planning as a wealth-building and wealth preservation tool. Lesson – Life Insurance
Identify and discuss the various types of insurance and basic insurance concepts.
Define basic insurance terms (e.g., deductible, premium, etc.).
Identify the various types of insurance and the legal expectations for certain ones.
Lesson – Health Insurance
Lesson – Car Insurance
Lesson – Renter’s Insurance
Lesson – Home Owner’s Insurance
Explain how insurance needs vary among individuals, families, seasons of life, and so forth.
Discuss the various factors that influence choice of insurance type and amount.
Develop a recommended insurance coverage for a given scenario with various factors, including family/individual, income, age levels, and so forth.
Lesson – Mortgages
Lesson – Life Insurance
Lesson – Home Owner’s Insurance

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