Tennessee Personal Finance Standards

Personal Finance Standards

We compared our learning materials and the core financial literacy concepts that are covered in our Budget and Stock Games to the college, career and technical education and personal finance standards for the state of Tennessee.

A list of the Tennessee Personal Finance Standards are below, along with a selection of activities from our games and library that align with each standard. Our Learning Library contains over 300 total lessons that can be customized for every class, so this may not include every lesson that may apply for each standard.

Course Outlines, Lesson Plans & Student Activities

Students will learn through playing the interactive online games, as well as completing the self-graded lessons that were designed to keep young learners engaged.

When you order PersonalFinanceLab® for your class, you’ll also get access to course outlines, lesson plans, student activities and grading rubrics that tie everything together.

Check out our course outlines, we’ll walk you through every step of the way!

Get to Know PersonalFinanceLab®

We’re here to help engage your students to learn how to manage their money responsibly. Learn more about each of the main features and see how we can help transform your class.

Personal Budgeting Game

A monthly budget game with real-life scenarios and consequences.

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Stock Market Game

Build your students confidence in the financial markets as they learn how to invest their money wisely.

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Embedded Lessons

Self-graded lessons aligned to National and Jump$tart Standards.

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Tennessee Personal Finance Standards Alignment

Find out which of our lessons or games reinforce the individual
knowledge statements from the Tennessee College, Career and Technical Education and Personal Finance Standards.


Long-Term Game
Comprehensive Chapter
Short Lesson
Interactive Calculator
Includes Automatically-Graded Assessment

Standard Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Financial Responsibility and Personal Decision Making
Define the concept of personal finance and explain the importance of personal financial planning using information sources such as instructional materials, news articles, blogs from reputable sources, personal narratives, and industry publications. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Pay Yourself first
Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Lesson – Spending and Savings Plans
Lesson – Researching Spending
Write long-term (over 5 years), mid-term (1 – 5 years), and short-term (a year or less) personal financial goals, defining desired education, career, and earning milestones and saving and spending plans. Evaluate factors that may influence the goals, including family responsibilities, individual values, and economic conditions. Lesson – Career Development
Lesson – Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Lesson – Spending and Savings Plans
Lesson – Family Planning
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Lesson – Planning for Long-Term Purchases
Lesson – Preparing for spending shocks
Education, Careers, and Income Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Develop a chart, table, or graphic to compare characteristics of various careers, such as alignment to personal interest and aptitude, education requirements, available positions, salaries, potential lifetime earnings, and employer benefits. Research and report (orally or in an explanatory text) the requirements for admission to and related costs of attending a specific post-secondary institution and how that will support education, career, and earning goals. Lesson – Career Development
Lesson – Income and Compensation
Lesson – Study or Work
Lesson – Student Loans
Lesson – How To Choose an Internship
Demonstrate an understanding of Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) requirements to apply for postsecondary education financial aid by completing an application. Identify strategies for reducing the overall cost of postsecondary education, including the impact of scholarships, grants, work study, and other assistance. Lesson – Student Loans
Lesson – Study or Work
Research multiple viewpoints that support or question the use of student loan debt in paying for postsecondary education. Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence presented support the author’s claim. Citing specific textual evidence, craft an argumentative essay that either supports or opposes the use of student loan debt, developing both claim(s)and counterclaim(s) fairly. Lesson – Student Loans
Lesson – Study or Work
Lesson – Bankruptcy
Lesson – Managing Debt
Describe factors affecting take-home pay such as tax withholdings, benefits (e.g., insurance, 401k), and plan payroll deductions. Complete a 1040EZ or 1040A and a W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance paperwork, and analyze the W-2 Wage and Tax Statement for federal income tax purposes. Lesson – Income and Compensation
Lesson – Taxation Overview
Lesson – Payroll Best Practices
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Planning and Money Management Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Create a personal balance sheet. Determine assets and liabilities and calculate net worth. Using research from local sources (such as newspapers, chambers of commerce, local government, and company websites), create a monthly personal budget. Cite specific textual evidence from findings when calculating earnings of a selected occupation and including accurately estimated household living expenses, taxes, potential savings, and an emergency fund. Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Pay Yourself first
Lesson – Budgeting
Lesson – Budgeting and Spending Strategies
Lesson – Spending and Savings Plans
Lesson – Researching Spending
Activity – Use the Net Worth Calculator
Understand the availability of consumer protection laws, agencies, and resources. Investigate the availability and reliability of resources to assist consumers in making buying decisions (include national, state, and local resources, as appropriate). Lesson – Consumer rights and responsibilities
Lesson – Researching Spending
Compare and contrast services and products available from financial service providers such as commercial banks, savings and loans, and credit unions. Identify the services that best support the personal financial goals. Craft an argumentative essay supported by evidence about selecting a specific financial account or service to best meet current and/or future financial goals. Lesson – Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans
Lesson – Building Wealth
Lesson – What is Wealth?
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Credit and Debt Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Compare and contrast the various sources and types of consumer credit, such as student loans, auto loans, store credit cards, and payday loans. Draw conclusions about the types of credit best suited for financing and/or purchasing various goods and services, defending claims with specific textual evidence. Lesson – Using Credit
Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – Mortgages
Lesson – Managing Debt
Lesson – Short-term Financing
Activity – Use the Car Loans Calculator
Activity – Use the Credit Card Payments Calculator
Citing information from at least one of the three major credit reporting agencies, describe credit reports and credit scores. Describe the relationship between consumers and credit reports/credit scores, discussing their importance and citing specific textual evidence from research. Analyze a sample credit report and interpret how the contents may affect the credit score. Explain how the credit score may impact borrowing opportunities and the cost of credit. Summarize specific activities used to maintain a good credit score. Lesson – Credit Reports
Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – Good Debt, Bad Debt
Citing evidence found in credit applications, compare and contrast various types of credit and calculate the real cost of borrowing. Explain factors that can affect the approval process associated with each type. Identify typical information and procedures required in the credit application process. Analyze factors associated with the purchase of an automobile and defend a specific buying decision, including:
a. Define and understand factors most often included in negotiations (such as cash vs. financing, inclusion of trade-in, etc.).
b. Evaluate costs and benefits of different service contract and/or warranty options.
c. Compare and contrast available financing options based on consumer characteristics and size of down payment.
Lesson – Using Credit
Lesson – Credit Cards
Lesson – The Importance of Interest Rates
Lesson – Good Debt, Bad Debt
Lesson – Managing Debt
Lesson – Short-term Financing
Activity – Use the Car Loans Calculator
Activity – Use the Credit Card Payments Calculator
Identify strategies for good use of credit and effective debt management to recognize the warning signs of impending debt problems. Illustrate the long-term consequences of accumulating debt and of filing for bankruptcy. Formulate a plan to eliminate debt and determine the impact on a personal budget, citing specific textual evidence to defend elements of the plan. Lesson – Managing Debt
Lesson – Good Debt, Bad Debt
Lesson – Debt Management Services
Lesson – Consolidating Debt
Lesson – Debt Negotiation
Lesson – Bankruptcy
Risk Management Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Differentiate the benefits and costs associated with various types of insurance, such as health, life, property, and auto. Describe the risks associated with a lack of appropriate coverage in specific situations. Determine the role of insurance in personal financial planning to preserve and build wealth. Lesson – Life Insurance
Lesson – Health Insurance
Lesson – Home Owner’s Insurance
Lesson – Renter’s Insurance
Lesson – Car Insurance
Conduct assessments of various types of identity theft situations and scams, then determine strategies and present a plan to safeguard and protect against identity theft. Design and present a plan to significantly lower and protect against risks. Determine steps that should be taken by a victim of identity theft to report the incident and re-establish identity. Lesson – Protecting Against Fraud
Saving and Investing Activity Long-Term Game Comprehensive Chapter Short Lesson Interactive Calculator Graded Assessment
Explain how saving and investing contribute to financial well-being, building wealth, and helping meet personal financial goals. Compare and contrast saving and investment strategies, such as savings accounts, certificates of deposit, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, employer sponsored savings plans, physical assets, and commodities. Design a diversified saving and investment plan that includes strategies compatible with personal goals. Include time value of money and compound interest calculations in analysis. Investing101 Certification
Stock Game – Core Component
Budget Game – Core Component
Lesson – Building a Diversified Portfolio
Lesson – Investing Strategies
Lesson – Time Value of Money
Lesson – Building Wealth
Lesson – Preparing for Retirement
Activity – Use the Compound Interest Calculator

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