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Personal Finance

Credit Reports - Credit reports are documents that keeps a record of (most) of your regular bill payments. They are not to be confused with credit scores, which is are single number. Having good credit reports are vital… Read More...
Contracts - A "Contract" is a legally binding agreement between two parties (people, companies, or both). Having a contract means that if one party does not keep their word, the other can sue them in court to… Read More...
Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings & Loan Institutions - When someone talks about banking, they generally group together Banks, Credit Unions, and Savings and Loans all in one - but their differences can have a big impact on the services you get! Read More...
Accounting for Automatic Payments - Automatic Payments can be a huge time saver, but can also be problematic for your planning processes and account reconciliations. What cases are they appropriate? Can you think of a case where automatic payments would… Read More...